Soulmate advice

Ariadne Green   

Dear readers and soulmates everywhere,

For most the quest for a soulmate is as important and elusive as the quest for the Holy Grail. Everyone seeks one, but few know what it is.

Just about everyone desires a soulmate, a divine complement whose love will lift them to spiritual heights and whose companionship will fill each day with joy and meaning. For many, the image of their soulmate is a long desired image of that perfect person, a perfect archetype in a beautiful body, intoxicatingly radiant, regal and beautiful or handsome. But for those eager to find someone more authentic, their quest is for that "one in a million" who completes their life and spiritually fulfills them – someone worth the wait and definitely worth searching for.

Looking for a soul mate?   You're not alone.   Ninety-eight percent of those interviewed in a recent Gallop Poll said that it was important to them to marry their soul mate.   Eight-eight percent said, "there is a special person, a soul mate, waiting for you somewhere out there". And 87% were confident that they would find their soul mate when they were ready for marriage.

Get the facts and answers about Twin Flames, Divine Complements and Soul Mates..... click here.

Good news!  A Kindle version of Divine Complements Forever: Finding Everlasting Love with Your Soulmate is now available on Amazon Kindle.

Like my first book, Divine Complement, my new book offers an in depth exploration of the topic of soul mates.  In it I share many heartfelt stories about present-day Divine Complements on the path of renewing the vows of the earliest bond between them, the Stellar Promise.   In it are stories of extraordinary devotion where twin souls found the true meaning of relationship as a faithful and often-relentless quest for love and service to each other. Purchase on Amazon.

Haunted by dreams about an old flame, an ex-partner? Learn what these dreams could mean.

Also read.........

List of links to Ariadne’s articles



                                                                               Were Jesus and Mary Magdalene     

                                                                               Divine Complements?

Yes, you can have many soul mates, but only one Divine Complement or Twin Flame.


Definition of a Divine Complement - Sometimes referred to as our "twin soul" or "twin flame", your Divine Complement represents that one person in the world to whom you are most connected soul-to-soul and spirit-to-spirit. As your ultimate complementary partner--your perfect match-- they hold inborn potentials that match and complement your own and hold the key to your spiritual evolution. You may or may not join them in this life depending on your karmic plan. But if you do, you are meant to bond and honor the profound spiritual connection, even if your personalities don't match your ideals of the perfect mate.

Excerpt..... Divine Complements Forever

“Deep inside our hearts we know this thing really exists.  We wish to sanctify it, to make it our path to higher consciousness and to graduate from the lessons we’ve chosen to fulfill with that one special person we call beloved.  We fully expect that that one partner, “made in heaven” and delivered to our door, will stick around beyond the first argument to make the “happily ever after” happen.”

copyright 2006 Ariadne Green


Made on a Mac

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Books available

on Amazon

What if there was only one person in the world meant

for you-- a Soulmate, Twin Flame and Divine Complement.

Are you with your true soulmate?

Take my quiz on IVillage>>


Soulmate Dreams

Twelve Indicators That He or She is The One.

The Secret To Finding Your Soulmate

Back In My Arms Again

Send Your Stories

Your story is worth sharing. Tell us how you met your soulmate- the serendipity, magic and divine design that brought you together. We will post them soon.

Some true soulmate stories


Haunted by dreams about an old flame an ex-wife or ex-husband? Learn what these dream could be telling you. read article>


Soulmate Advice



Twitter: ariadneg33

Read Ariadne’s soulmate books.......